Iambic Paddle wiring


I always have to look up how to wire an iambic paddle to a 3.5mm or 6.5mm TRS (tip, ring, sleeve) jack and which paddle is which. I’m left handed and have over time taught myself different left handed and right handed paddling so what I’ wiring to what is easy to get backwards.

You want the dits on the thumb, and the dahs on the fingers. And on the connector, the tip pulled to ground makes dist, the ring pulled to ground makes dahs, and the sleeve is the ground.

Here’s the table to explain this:

SymbolLeft handedRight handedTRS Connector
ditsright paddleleft paddletip
dahsleft paddleright paddlering
TRS wiring for iambic paddles, and what to use when

Ideally I’d wire all my paddles the same, and that should be to use the right-handed setup — more common, then adjust to reverse the paddles in software. This to allow swapping paddles and avoiding confusion.

Link to another good reference on this from AD6DM