Slowing down thinking — an experiment


Something I’m experimenting with… consciously slowing my thoughts and speech — for a couple of reasons or occasions:

  • In the late evening, close to bedtime I slow my speaking and slow my thinking to prepare for sleep. I don’t mean zoning out, I mean just slowing down thinking and speech — and thus breath as well. It also is nice and helpful to sit in front of a fire, or turn the lighting more yellow/red, or turn the lights off or down. Very relaxing and leads naturally into sleepiness.
  • In the early morning before stuff kicks off, and at spots later in the day, slowing thinking helps to bring me back down from the stressy speed of full on work or life. Again, this is not stopping thinking or zoning out. Keep at it, but slow down. There’s a quality improvement here in thinking too, when done a bit more slowly. And it feels great.

Friday 2023-01-06


Operant Conditioning Chamber aka Skinner Box (Wikipedia)

Slot machines and online games are sometimes cited as examples of human devices that use sophisticated operant schedules of reinforcement to reward repetitive actions.


Roblox sounds awful for young kids (twitter thread by @Arumi_kai)

It appears that many all-ages games have dodgy content and programming. Not really surprising, but it is easy for parents to just assume that somebody is actually trying to moderate content. Doesn’t look like moderation is fit for purpose.