This CW thing is curious. My sending seems to have gone to pieces, and it seems to happen mid-QSO. So this is what I see: I get part-way through a QSO fine, then make a couple of errors, and the nerves mount and my sending goes to bits like I’m unable to put a single word together without the errors accumulating. Same for straight key and paddle. Ugh. I don’t like it at all.
So… More practice. Keep going. I’ll get better.
Given that I could send okay before, I’m wondering whether this is something to do with moving my sending from conscious to unconscious, and I’ve got two mechanisms in my head/body fighting over which mechanism is doing the sending. Some stress and it gets all out of whack.
So, apologies if I work you and I end up beating a hasty retreat with garbled sending. I’ll get better with more practice.